This study focuses on individuals who have been diagnosed with a type of brain cancer called non-germinomatous germ cell tumor (NGGCT) and whose tumor is “localized” (has not spread to other parts of the brain or body). The purpose of the study is to determine whether radiation therapy (RT) to the spine and a portion of the brain works as well as the standard treatment (which includes RT to the whole brain and spine) in people with NGGCT. Researchers want to learn whether they can lower the number of relapses in the spine in patients who receive RT to the spine and a portion of the brain only, as compared to patients in previous studies who received radiation to a portion of the brain only and none to the spine. The study also aims to determine whether treatment with a high dose of chemotherapy and stem cell rescue improves the treatment response and outcome in patients who do not have a good response to the first phase of chemotherapy (induction). The treatment in this study involves chemotherapy and high-energy X-rays (radiation therapy).
What is the full name of this clinical trial?
ACNS2021: A Phase 2 Trial of Chemotherapy followed by Response-Based Whole Ventricular & Spinal Canal Irradiation for Patients with Localized Non-Germinomatous Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumor ^