The purpose of this study is to determine whether using CereGate therapy with deep brain stimulation (DBS) reduces freezing of gait in individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) who have been implanted with a Boston Scientific Gevia DBS system. Gait freezing involves the involuntary halting of motor (body movement) activity. The investigational device (CereGate Therapy) provides a “cue” to reduce freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease by using electricity to activate brain areas next to those activated by DBS. Study procedures include collection of symptoms information, completion of freezing and falls diary, completion of assessments and evaluations, and collection of vital signs.
What is the full name of this clinical trial?
A Multi-Center, Controlled Study to Evaluate use of CereGate Therapy to Reduce Freezing of Gait in Participants diagnosed with Parkinson?s Disease