The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a supervised prehabilitation exercise program in people with pancreatic cancer. Prehabilitation, or exercise prior to undergoing surgery or while concurrently undergoing treatment for cancer, has been shown to have beneficial effects for patients with cancer. In this study, researchers want to learn whether patients can regularly participate in an exercise program. The study will also assess the impact of the program on healthcare utilization, muscle mass, quality of life, physical activity, sleep, and post-operative outcomes when applicable. Participants will take part in a supervised, in-person exercise program 3 times per week for 6 weeks in a Cedars-Sinai gym facility. They will also receive a Fitbit to be worn continuously during the study, as well as complete surveys and exercise tests at specified timepoints.
What is the full name of this clinical trial?
IIT2021-18-CHANG-PREHAB: A Supervised Prehabilitation Program for Patients with Pancreatic Cancer