1.1 Primary Objectives: 1.1.1 De-Intensification Study: To determine whether men with National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) unfavorable intermediate risk (UIR) prostate cancer and lower Decipher genomic risk (Decipher score < 0.40) treated with RT alone instead of 6 months ADT + RT experience non-inferior rate of distant metastasis. 1.1.2 Intensification Study: To determine whether men with NCCN UIR prostate cancer who are in the higher genomic risk (Decipher score >= 0.40) will have a superior metastasis-free survival through treatment intensification with darolutamide added to the standard of RT plus 6 months ADT. 1.2 Secondary Objectives 1.2.1 To compare overall survival (OS) between the standard of care (RT plus 6 months of ADT) and either the de-intensification (RT alone) or intensification (RT plus 6 months of ADT plus darolutamide) interventions. 1.2.2 To compare time to PSA failure between the standard of care (RT plus 6 months of ADT) and either the de-intensification (RT alone) or intensification (RT plus 6 months of ADT plus darolutamide) interventions. 1.2.3 To compare metastasis free survival (MFS) based on conventional imaging between the standard of care (RT plus 6 months of ADT) and de-intensification intervention (RT alone). 1.2.4 To compare MFS based on either conventional and/or molecular imaging between the standard of care (RT plus 6 months of ADT) and either the de-intensification (RT alone) or intensification (RT plus 6 months of ADT plus darolutamide) interventions. 1.2.5 To compare cumulative incidence of locoregional failure based upon conventional imaging and/ or biopsy between standard of care (RT plus 6 months of ADT) and either the de-intensification (RT alone) or intensification (RT plus 6 months ADT plus darolutamide) interventions. 1.2.6 To compare cumulative incidence of distant metastasis based upon conventional imaging between standard of care (RT plus 6 months of ADT) and intensification intervention (RT plus 6 months ADT plus darolutamide). 1.2.7 To compare cumulative incidence of distant metastasis based upon either conventional and/or molecular imaging between standard of care (RT plus 6 months of ADT) and either the de-intensification (RT alone) or intensification (RT plus 6 months of ADT plus darolutamide) interventions.
What is the full name of this clinical trial?
NRG-GU010: Parallel Phase III Randomized Trials Of Genomic-Risk Stratified Unfavorable Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer: De-Intensification And Intensification Clinical Trial Evaluation