The purpose of this study is to evaluate a technique to measure the severity of leakage of the mitral valve in people with mitral valve regurgitation. Mitral valve regurgitation is a condition which, if untreated or improperly treated, may increase pressure in the blood vessels in the lungs and lead to shortness of breath. The study will utilize a software-echo particle image velocimetry (contrast-enhancing imaging agent) to further characterize the severity of the mitral valve leakage, in addition to regular echocardiographic imaging. Identifying severity of the condition can allow for appropriate treatment plans to be made. Study procedures include measurement of blood pressure, collection of clinical details, and performance of two- and three-dimensional echocardiogram with contrast material.
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What is the full name of this clinical trial?
Volumetric Echocardiographic Particle Image Velocimetry for Grading the Severity of Mitral Valve Regurgitation