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142 results found

Colon, Lip, Oral Cavity and Pharynx, Melanoma, Pancreas

IPN01194 as Single Agent in Advanced Solid Tumors

The purpose of this study is to evaluate an experimental drug called IPN01194 in people with selected mutations in advanced solid cancers. IPN01194 is a small molecule targeting a pathway called MAPK, which is frequently ...

Anus, Bones and Joints, Brain and Nervous System, Breast, Cervix ...

Molecular Analysis for Combination Therapy Choice (ComboMATCH)

The purpose of this study is to identify patients based on gene changes or mutations in their tumor for treatment using a combination of targeted therapy. The study focuses on patients who have had a ...


NRG, NRG-GY032, Ph2,Open-Label, Early Stage Endometrial Cancer, De-escalated adjuv or observation

Primary Objective Estimate the rate of pelvic recurrence at 3 years in patients who are treated with a de-escalated adjuvant treatment directed by tumor molecular status. Secondary Objectives Estimate the rate of isolated vaginal recurrence, para-aortic ...

Lymphoid Leukemia

Comparing Rituximab and Mosunetuzumab in Low Tumor Burden Follicular Lymphoma

The purpose of this study is to compare the usual treatment (rituximab) to an experimental drug called mosunetuzumab in people with low tumor burden follicular lymphoma. Mosunetuzumab is a type of drug known as a ...

Brain and Nervous System, Breast, Colon, Lung, Other Endocrine System ...

mRNA-415 in Solid Tumors

The purpose of the trial is to evaluate the safety and effects of an experimental personalized vaccine called mRNA-4157, as well as to identify the best dose for future studies, in patients who have had ...