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135 results found



Incidence of CTRCD in Cardio-Oncology services in all participating centers. 2. Identify risk factors resulting in increased CTRCD, and validate risk score models. 3. Evaluate geographic and regional differences in use of biomarkers and imaging modalities, and ...

Bones and Joints, Brain and Nervous System, Eye and Orbit ...

Key Adverse Events After Childhood Cancer

1.1 To identify key adverse events developing in patients (cases) with a primary cancer diagnosed at age 21 or younger. 1.2 To characterize the key adverse events with respect to the nature of ...

Hereditary Cancer

Gilda Radner Hereditary Cancer Program

The purpose of this study is to identify factors that influence cancer risk and to better understand the precursors to cancer so that preventive steps can be employed for individuals with and without inherited genetic ...


Circulating Tumor Cells in Prostate Cancer Using NanoVelcro Technology

Primary endpoint: To prospectively enumerate CTCs using Nanovelcro technology in patients undergoing specific forms of therapy for prostate cancer. This will allow us to monitor patients responses to these treatments using CTC number as ...

Thyroid cancer

Active Surveillance of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma

This study focuses on individuals with papillary thyroid cancer with a 2.0 cm or smaller nodule. The purpose of the study is to better understand the outcomes of active surveillance (observation) instead of immediate surgery, ...