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135 results found


Ketamine for the Treatment of Anxiety in Patients With Pancreatic Cancer

Patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have a high rate of anxiety. In previous studies, low dosages of ketamine have been shown to rapidly decrease symptoms of anxiety (and depression), with few side effects, in a ...

Bladder cancer detection, Urology

Early Detection of Bladder Cancer

The purpose of this study is to determine whether an investigational test can assist doctors in evaluating patients at risk of developing bladder cancer with the express purpose of detecting these cancers early, when they ...


Roche, WO42758, Intrinsic, Ph 1/1b, OL, mCRC, Inavolisib + Cetuximab or Inavolisib + Bevacizumab

Inavo + Cetux Treatment Arm Primary Efficacy Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Inavo + Cetux in PIK3CA-mutated CRC with no detected RAS (KRAS, NRAS) or BRAFV600E mutations Secondary Efficacy Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Inavo + Cetux ...


NRG, NRG-GU010, Ph 3, Open Label, Prostate, RT vs. RT + ADT vs. RT + ADT + Darolutamide

1.1 Primary Objectives: 1.1.1 De-Intensification Study: To determine whether men with National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) unfavorable intermediate risk (UIR) prostate cancer and lower Decipher genomic risk (Decipher score < 0.40) treated with RT alone instead of ...

Breast cancer

Deescalation Of Breast Radiation for Treatment of Stage I Breast Cancer

This study focuses on women with low-risk breast cancer who have had lumpectomy (surgery to remove a breast lump). The purpose of the study is to compare the usual treatment of breast radiation and hormonal ...