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135 results found

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Role of Lisinopril in Preventing the Progression of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

This study focuses on individuals who have a higher-than-average risk of developing liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) due to their diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is a condition in which fatty cells accumulate ...

Pancreatic Cancer

Cedars-Sinai, IIT2020-10-Jeon-CAMP, pilot, Pancreatitis, Continuous Alcohol Monitoring

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Estimate the feasibility of using BACtrack Skyn to monitor changes in blood alcohol concentration among patients at risk for pancreatitis. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES 1 Determine the acceptability of the BACtrack Skyn sensor and the BACtrack breathalyzer ...

Gastrointestinal Cancer, Liver Cancer

CSMC, IIT2020-04-Hussain-HCCBIO, Pilot, Imaging Biomarkers Bank, Hepatocellular Carcinoma

The purpose of the research is to identify histopathological features and blood biomarkers that correlate with imaging biomarkers.


Faith in Action! A Church-Based Navigation Model to Increase Breast Cancer Screening in Korean Women

The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether a curriculum called “Faith in Action!” increases adherence to breast cancer screening guidelines among Korean American women within faith-based settings. Specifically, individuals who attend a Korean ...

Colon, Liver, Other Digestive Organ, Pancreas, Rectum, Small Intestine, Stomach

CSMC, IIT2021-05-SPIEGEL-VR, Ph2, double blind randomized, GI cancer, Virtual Reality for pain

Primary: 1. To assess the clinical benefits of immersive VR, including skills-based VR and distraction VR, each compared to sham VR among patients with visceral pain from a digestive tract malignancies. 2. To assess the clinical ...